Healing with Compassion

Neuro-linguistic Programming / Compassionate Communication

What is ‘Healing with Compassion’?

‘Healing with Compassion’ integrates the tools, skills and energy of Non-violent Communication, Neuro-linguistic Programming and more.   It creates a supportive container, clarifies needs, identifies and expands current strategies and beliefs to create more choice.  In turn, this support more effective serving of yourself, your community and your purpose.

  • Communication
  • Mediation
  • Group Facilitation
  • Skill Building
  • Support for Individuals, Couples, Families and Groups
  • Personal Growth
  • Relief  and Perspective

How Do I Know This is for Me?

  • Do you long to feel more fully embodied with what you do in life (purpose, relationships, creativity, health)?
  • Are you living or working with groups, kids or individuals and want to support improved enjoyment, trust or connection?
  • Would you like to improve your communication skills and/or feel more grounded in general?
  • Do you find yourself getting short or feeling disconnected with your others only to regret it and feel guilty, hopeless and at the end of your rope?
  • Do you find yourself in painful judgement (of self or others), or caught in the cycle of blame or shame?
  • Do you feel the impact of impatience, anxiety or fear on you or your familial relationships?
  • Are you ready for a change or an improvement in how you feel? Are you ready to feel more relief, ease, peace, freedom and certainty?

If any of the above statements are true for you, then this work may serve you now.


Maren Metke
Maren MetkeCoach, Facilitator, Mentor and Educator

Maren Metke’s background, inspiration and skill come from twenty years of Compassionate Communication.  Additionally, Maren has seven years’ experience as Masters’ level practitioner in Neuro-linguistic Programming from NLP Marin and fourteen years researching, educating, counseling and supporting children, families and practitioners in a individuated, integrated, holistic, community-oriented environment.

Her experience covers:

  • Extensive immersive NVC experience
  • Group leadership
  • Staff training
  • Community building
  • Mediation
  • Management and planning of retreats and programs
  • Mentoring teachers, parents, youth, care providers, co-housing groups and more

How to Connect

What to do? Take a deep breath… and:

We are pleased to offer classes, individual, children, family, group and couples sessions and consultations. Private or group sessions are available, either in a mentorship classroom format as well as multi-day immersion programs (training staff, and participants).


“Maren worked with both of my children for several years. She was a steady, connected, and lovely force in all of our lives. Maren has the ability to be simultaneously light-hearted and silly and also deeply connected to everyone around her. I cannot recommend her enough.”

Emily P., Menlo Park, CA

“Maren has an amazing capacity to listen and feed back what she’s heard with such compassion, shining clarity on muddled thoughts and helping bring forward new awareness and opportunity for healthy shifts. With an NLP and NVC background, she  skillfully blends compassion and knowledge. She has helped me to affect real change, find my path when I’ve lost it, and be a better version of myself. I absolutely recommend her.”

Annie K., Grass Valley, CA

“All of 2013 I attended weekly sessions with someone else, but in just ONE session with Maren (Healing with Compassion), we got to dig out some serious layers and I understood the possible root causes of some issues that I’ve had for years (that never even came up with the other person)! And that was only after the first session!

Ladies and gentlemen, this woman is amazing. Not only she has fully gained my trust, but she knows exactly how to listen, ask the right questions and help you find your truth!

I am so lucky and blessed to have this woman help me work out my issues. My partner is starting sessions now too. I highly recommend Maren’s service to anyone who needs to figure out what is going on in his/her life! She can really help! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Amanda P. , Berkeley, CA

I have enjoyed and profited from Maren Metke’s sensitivity and insight in two different housing groups and recommend her highly.

Jack S.

“Maren is an amazing facilitator and presence. Maren’s incredible capacity to hear humans, give them the empathy they need, and support them with a wide range of skills and experience, means that your growth through challenge is well guided in her care.

We have experienced Maren’s support as individuals and a couple, and can recommend her highly as a significant support, coach, facilitator, or mediator.”

T. Maddock, Nevada City, CA

“I’m so happy that I found Maren. I searched high and low trying to find someone with experience in NVC for children. I asked Maren to meet with me 1 on 1 to help in developing and integrating non violent communication methods for my staff. She helped me in my professional and personal lives as we worked through NVC methodology together. I would highly recommend her for business workshops, 1 on 1 counseling, or working with a family. She is diverse, kind, and an inspiring teacher.”

Melanie T. , San Francisco, CA

“I have been going through some difficult times as of late and have been recommended to Maren… I am very glad I began sessions with her.  She has been comprehensive, and understanding in helping me identify and work through areas in my life that need a little attention. I highly recommend and support her practice and look forward to what’s to come!”

Sirraum N. , Berkeley, CA

“I am grateful to know Maren to the degree that I do. I’ve had the honor of working with her as a group leader, trainer/facilitator and have received the benefits of her one on one work. The profound sensitivity and intuitive faculty that she posses combined with world class training and half a lifetime of being awesome as a Mom and a friend to so many of our beloved community members make her a top notch Human in my book. The natural ability, skill and heart she brings to all areas of her life speaks for itself. I would recommend to anyone to work with her whole heartedly and with full confidence.”

Matthew S., Grass Valley, CA

“Maren is kind, warm, understanding, and a skilled practitioner and teacher of Nonviolent Communication a.k.a. Compassionate Communication.  She has worked with me and my partner on communication and I’ve grown my Nonviolent Communication skills from a group class with her. I highly recommend a session with her!”

Leif B.

“My kids and I learned by the sharing with and guidance by Maren over 4 summers. My experience is that Maren is able to be fully present, listening to the whole person, not just the words, and finds ways to clarify or make the connection we needed but just struggled to get to on our own.

She is able to use so many if her creative talents to flex to the uniqueness of each of us…as we each interact with and process our experiences differently.

This woman carries much wisdom and I highly recommend her.”

Jules M., Milwaukee WI

Maren is an unwavering space holder.  Our sessions together have been instrumental in overcoming some significant blocks and working through trauma. Her Nuero-linguistic Programming and Nonviolent Communication skills are second to none!  I highly recommend working with Maren privately or in group classes!

Steven G.

I went to Maren for a 1.5 hour empathy session. Maren is a skilled empath and listener.  She asks quality questions and manages to challenge you gently without judgement.  I left with new things to ponder and a better understanding. Recommended!

Dominick P

“Not only do I feel better after speaking with Maren, but I am amazed by the depth she is able to reach to create lasting positive understanding around my biggest challenges. She is definitely worth contacting for whatever may be on your mind. You will not regret speaking with her, and I bet you will leave with a better understanding of yourself, and able to love and be more compassionate to yourself and others.”

Tony G. , Marina Del Rey, CA