In this Newsletter
- Featured Artist, Heather Normandale, – One of the Bay Areas most famous woman singer/songwriter/bicycle-touring mastermind. Check her and her band out below!
- Special Solstice Event with Honey of the Heart
- Upcoming Shows
- Skype, Zoom & YouTube Lessons!
- Gift Certificates and Package/Bulk Discounts
- Justin Ancheta Band, PLANT Album CD Reorder
- New Content Release, Justin Ancheta Band, Honey of the Heart, Heather Normandale (FEATURED ARTIST OF DECEMBER 2017!) and more…
- SG drumline opened for Qtip of tribe called quest; 10 thousand people per night at a facebook holiday party in San Mateo.
Soul Graffiti Newsletter – Winter 2017
Heather Normandale – December 2017 Featured Artist of the Month.

Heather has proven herself to be a foundation of movement for community sustainability, environmental activism, and musicianship that soares high.
has proven herself to be a mainstay in the environmental movement and bike activism. She has toured Europe, Canada, and the United States by bike, spreading her conscious musical flows and melodies that will remind you of where we came from. The elements of water, fire, and life breathe through her music. Check out the new content, and consider supporting her by going to her website and getting some holiday gifts of her album for a loved one:
Honey of the Heart Solstice House Concert
Private House Concert, Friday, December 23rd in Auburn CA 6:30pm
Come gather with us in the darkest time as we share some music, mirth, exciting news, warmth and nourishing food in the cozy home of our dear friends, Mary and Jerome Beauchamp.
*Details and directions shared upon ticket purchase.
Bring your peeps & help us fill up the spaces with good vibes! You’ll be glad you came.
Join us for this special evening and *PLEASE* share with your friends in those areas, as word of mouth always helps ♥!
Upcoming Shows from the Soul Graffiti Community:
Dec 7 Honey of the Heart at the Revolution Cafe, SF 8:30-11:30pm
Dec 8 Heather Normandale and Maren Metke at the Sippin’ Wine Bar SF 8-10pm
Dec 8 & 9 Soul Graffiti Productions Drum Group at the FaceBook Holiday Party
Dec 15 Rock the Bike Holiday Party with Courage, Cello Joe and more!
Dec 16 Ephemere Event – “Film Noir: A Play of Shadows” Honey of the Heart, SF, CA 9-11pm
Dec 16 Embrace the Light, Heather Normandale Band
Dec 23 Honey of the Heart Solstice House concert in Auburn, CA 6:30-9:30pm
Dec 31 Justin Ancheta Band, Special Private NYE Wedding Event, Auburn, CA
Jan 4 Honey of the Heart at the Revolution Cafe, SF 8:30-11:30pm
Jan 27 Private Event, Oakland, CA
Lessons via Skype, Zoom and YouTube!
We are excited to be offering lessons in person and via Skype as well! You can learn a variety of instruments from the comfort of your own home!
Check out this video series to get a taste of some lessons at Soul Graffiti.
Gift Certificates & bulk discounts
Share the gift of music, self expression and nurture some dreams this holiday season.
Please check out our yelp page for year end deals.
We are offering a limited time holiday offer of group Lessons and studio time for a group discounted price of 30% off any order over $500
Call us at 530-305-9819 or email us at and mention this deal, before the new year!
Justin Ancheta Band PLANT CD Available now!
Bandcamp (digital MP3 download)
Hard Copy CD (for easy use in your home or car player).
Send $20.00 via paypal to or
Mail check or money order to: Soul Graffiti 6323 San Pablo Ave, Oakland, CA 94508
These make such great gift ideas, or just spice up your music collection.
Order now. – We just did a re-order since we sold out of the previous and have the new and improved design in stock!
Exciting new content from our awesome artists
Heather Normandale; “About a Tune” – is our featured artist of December, 2017. With her unique vocals and beautiful arrangements, Heather Normandale has made an array of amazing songs and albums over the past decade. Her website is
Honey of the Heart “Younger Me” — Coming soon!
Justin Ancheta and Friends – “Moonbeam”, featuring Morgan Nilson on clarinet, Schuyler Karr on double bass and Maren Metke on back up vocals –Coming soon
New, life-altering mystery release coming in June 2018! Stay tuned for more info.
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